
Welcome to the Official WSNPP Blog Website where we are dedicated to improve your gaming on Wesnoth!

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Guide List:

Here is a list of all the current Guides we currenlty have on the Wesnoth Wiki and those that are under construction still:


NWP Guides:

Edition #1: Terrain_you_Pain
Edition #2: ZoC
Edition #3: Going_Backwards
Edition #4: Basic_Build_Orders
Edition #5: Our_love_for_villages
Edition #6: Resistances
Edition #7: Terrain Defence
Edition #8: Traits
Edition #9: Weapon abilities
Edition #10: "Special forces. On my mark!"

PWP Guides:

Edition #1: The Do's and Dont's of 2v2 Battles 
Edition #2: Auxiliary_Build_Orders
Edition #3: Dynamic_strategies;_1_plan_failed,_100_more_to_go
Edition #4: What_use_are_bats%3F!%3F

Edition #5: The_power_of_2